Monday, September 1, 2014

“The Legend of Schwarm Hollow”

By Lana Butler

Once upon a time there was a toad that lived in the meadows at Schwarm Hollow. His name was Theodore Templeton Blogger the 3rd, Teddy for short. The legend about his fore-fathers, he had heard them from his neighbours, Hare Bonnet and Kneehigh Crickity. All the Teddys had met ill fate in the meadows of Schwarm Hollow during the lowlander storms. Teddy the 3rd never thought much of it. He figured they were only trying to scare him into staying close to home.

When Teddy the 3rd got scared he would take a big breath in and hold it. This would fill him with air like a giant puffer fish. It was quite spectacular. He felt safe from harm then. This is something that all the Teddys learned to do.

The Legend goes that each of his fore fathers were found flattened to the width of a fall leaf. Teddy the 1st, rumoured to be crossing the meadow from home to the neighbours, was found in the middle of the grassland. Legend had it that Teddy the 1st had been sucked into the eye of the storm. The wind was so powerful it pasted him flat to the ground – leaving him there, deflated and helpless, unable to recover. Teddy the 2nd was found further from home, said to be flattened while chasing flies in the evening dusk, across the rockland.

..... Stay Tuned to see what happens to the 3rd Teddy..  

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