Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Found this old Editorial I wrote back in 1996... funny how some things never change. lol

KAAI News Letter EDITORIAL- 1996
"Motivation through deadlines
OK, Hands up all those who have waited until the night before the
assignment, report, article, or design was due, to scratch it out
and hand it in the following morning. As proud as can be, as if
you had it sitting on your desk for the last month waiting for
the deadline.
Well what were you waiting for? "If I wait until tomorrow, I'm
sure I will come up with a better idea than I have now." Well,
maybe you will, but you'll also be 24 hours closer to deadline,
with less revision time. "Oh, well," you say, "better ideas need
less revision, right?"
You can talk yourself into anything if you try hard enough. The
issue here is that most of us need deadlines to enhance our
productivity. Without them, we would sit idle, waiting for god
knows what to happen before we could finish any of those
laborious tasks sitting in those bottomless "in progress" trays.
I for one am grateful for deadlines. You would be hard pressed to
receive a newsletter every month if I could just produce it when
I had time. And if the gallery hung the members show when
everyone got around to dropping off their piece (oh, whenever you
get to it), there may be some curatorial problems arising.
Now, I have heard that there are perpetually, self motivated
artists who constantly produce without deadlines. I have yet to
meet any, so to anyone who might fit this description; "really?,
all the time?"
I would love to go on, now that I have a really good idea, but I
have to pass this on to production and finish my assignment for
tonight's class. Have a really great summer! Look for Modern Fuel
in September.
Lana Butler"

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